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Join Us

Postdoc Positions

We currently don’t have any funded positions available.

However, if you’re interested in joining us and would like to explore opportunities to apply for funding, please get in touch!

PhD Programmes

If you are interested in our research and want to carry out a PhD with us, we are involved with a range of PhD programmes offered. This includes: 



MRC DTP in Biomedical Sciences


For general information please see pages of the Centre for Doctoral Studies


If you find alternative Doctoral funding you are interested in applying for with us, get in touch. 


We regularly offer both research and science communication projects for students on the different King's programmes for Master's degree  (e.g. Biomedical & Molecular Science Research, Neuroscience, and Pharmacology) and Bachelor's degree (e.g. Neuroscience, Biochemistry, Science Communication)

Internships & Work Experience

We love taking on students for lab experience, however, do not take on unpaid internships. Get in touch if you are keen to apply for a Summer Studentship scheme, such as 

KCL Wellcome Biomedical Scholarship 

KCL Faculty of Life Sciences and Medicine Scholarship 

The Biochemical Society Studentship

The Genetics Society Studentship


If you are a secondary school student, we host students through the in2scienceUK programme. Otherwise, you can find out about further opportunities through our department website, the Centre for Developmental Neurobiology.

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